Monday, December 20, 2021

K C Update

 It is now Dec 20, 2021.  We have been here at KC for 15 days.  We made it through 4 days of guide training.  We have been getting familiar with the tools and procedures of the place.  I gave my first tour Saturday.  It wasn't bad for my first, but I know I can get better.  

  Being in front of a group of visitors is both exciting and scary.  Knowing your subject helps a lot.  Not being totally familiar with the cave is a bit nerve - racking.  Time and repetition will help. 

   Our work schedule is morning shift, Wednesday through Saturday.  We asked for at least one week-end day a week so that we can attend special events in the area.  We are ready to go out and enjoy the world again.

This was the moon this morning.  I started the walk with the boys this morning with the moonlight lighting our way and ended it with the light of the dawn on our backs. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Training Day 1

Today was Training Day 1.  Actually, Randa and I took the training class two years ago so we could have skipped the class but we decided that more training could be good.  I'm glad we did because today was awesome.  We reviewed some items but learned many new facts today.  Plus there were several videos that we enjoyed.  Two of them were of the two discoverers Gary Tenen and Randy Tuft, telling their story of the discovery of the cave.  It was cool to see them describe the event.  

Friday, December 10, 2021

First week at KC (Kartchner Caverns)

 After two days of getting the house "squared away", we were ready to visit the Discovery Center and have a meeting with the Volunteer Coordinator, Kyle.  We spent an hour or so talking with Kyle, received our uniform shirts, established our work schedule,  and basically catching up.  Met some new folks got hugs or elbow bumps from folks that we had worked with two seasons ago.  There have been some changes but much is the same.  It felt comfortable. 

   Wednesday and Thursday we donned our uniform shirts and went in to find tours that we could jump on to reacquaint ourselves with the cave.  We both helped on a Rotunda tour on Wed and Thurs we split up.  Randa was a trailer on a Rotunda tour and did the same on a tour of the Big Room.  It was fun getting back into the darkness and seeing familiar formations again.  We have opted to take the lead guide training next week.  It has been nearly 2 yrs since we were stopped by Covid, so we figured it would be rime well spent.

We are here

 W300e are here in Arizona.  We are back at Kartchner Caverns again.  Benson is about 10 miles away.  

The trip down was 5 days.  We decided to limit our trek to  300 miles a day.  A good strategy when the days are so short.  It worked out well.  We were on the road by 9 and parked before it got dark.  

The first day was short Canby to Redmond   Late start.  "Oh we forgot this." "We better take another one of these."  " Did you bring those?"   But finally we left Canby behind and headed over the Cascades.  We set up at the fairgrounds in Redmond by 4pm.  We enjoyed a very nice supper and conversation with our son, Jason, and daughter-in-law Toni. and went to bed. 

Day 2  Redmond to Standish, Ca    The day dawned foggy and cold but above freezing but we headed south on Hwy 97.  The weather cleared as we got to La Pine and were in clear weather from then on.  (happy face)  Arrived at our next stop, "Days End RV Park in Standish, Ca just barely before dark.  ( Footnote: we did not unhook the truck from the trailer until we arrived in Yuma,  which made setting up and getting ready for departure much faster.  ie Putting down the corner jacks for stability. hooking up the water and electricity and we were ready to extend the slides and cook supper.)

Day 3  Standish to Tonopah, Nv   395 to I-80 thru Reno, Fallon Hwy 95 south Hawthorne to the lovely town of Tonopah.  The town sits at 6000 ft amid mountains filled with minerals that are being harvested and discovered in every direction.  Lithium and gold are the two high-dollar items followed closely by copper.    

Day 4  Tonopah to CalNevAri, Nv   More mining towns, more mountains, ( Nevada has 300 mountain ranges) , driving the length of Las Vegas north to south and ending up at the southern tip of Nevada where 3 states come together, thus the unusual name.  Nothing in CalNevAri except a casino, a motel. and an RV park.  The good thing, it's lower in elevation and therefore, warmer.  70 when were arrived.

Day 5  CalNevAri to Yuma.  Warm temps. lots of sun,  84 when we arrived in Yuma.  Set up in one of the numerous RV parks that are scattered all over the Yuma area.  Many Canadians spend their 6 months there. (If they stay longer than 6 months outside of their country, they loose their medical and other benefits.)   The parks are filled with vehicles with plates from northern climates and why not.  84 felt quite nice.  Wearing shorts was quite nice.

Days 6,7,8  We actually unhooked the trailer at the Shang Ri La Resort and spent 4 nights there.  The real reason we went a bit out of our way was to get dental work done in Mexico, Los Algodones, to be exact.  It's a small village on the border that caters to Americans and Canadians.  With over 200 dentists, optometrists, and some other doctors, it is "the place to go" to get your dental work taken care of at a very reasonable price and pick up some souvenirs on your way out.  Randa had several crowns and a mouth guard made at a fraction of what our Canby dentist would have charged.  We have been a customer of this dentist for more than 5 years.

Day 9  Yuma to Kartchner  Almost all freeway I-8 to I 10 to Hwy 90.  We met some dear friends in Gila Bend for lunch and then continued to our destination at KC.  Because we had to make a quick trip to Algodones to pick up Randa's  mputh guard, we didn't leave Yuma until 11.  So it was getting very dark when we backed into site #16 here at the park.  We did what was needed to be level and have power and saved the rest for the next day but we were here !!   

More to come .

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Randa's New Hat

My wife is starting a new trend of having a "Live Hat".


Getting Ready for the trip south

 Our trip to Arizona begins Friday November 26.  

So to get ready we have started gathering up the clothes, gear and assorted equipment in several piles and are putting them in their designated places in the trailer.  We have done many times before, but it seems that there are always new items to load and other items that will remain at home.  Because we are going to be down there from Dec through April clothes for all temperatures are being stowed aboard the "spacecraft".  

    The trailer has been "prepped" : repairs made to the water heater, slides serviced, etc.  The running gear worked on: new brakes, two new tires, wheel bearings checked so it is ready to go ( fingers crossed).  The truck is at Les Schwab's right now getting front end work done .  $$  I have an appointment for Wednesday for two new front tires as well.  

    Today I planned our journey south.  With Covid and an increased number of folks that are living in their RVs are sometimes, RV parks are running at capacity.  There are just a few sties that are there for overnight travelers.  So I did something that I don't normally do; I called in for reservations.

Night #1 Redmond  and supper with Jason and Toni

Night #2 Standish, Ca

Night #3 Tonopah, NV

Night #4 CalNevAri

Night #5-8 Yuma, AZ

Night #9 Kartchner Caverns (KC)  :)

The 3 nights in Yuma is to allow us time to visit our dentist in Algodones, Mex.  Because we both need dental work and don't have dental insurance, we can save thousands of dollars by crossing the border.

Each leg of our journey is roughly 300 miles.  An easy day for us.  On our trip north this spring we did almost 500 each day.  Better weather and much longer days for easier driving and easier setting up in daylight.

Pretty soon is Zoom - Zoom 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Happy Birthday

 Today is November 10, 2021. 


The United States Marine Corps is celebrating 246th Birthday today.

     Happy Birthday to all Marines everywhere. !!

Here he is


A brief moment when Nigel is not moving.  He has been with us for two and half weeks and seems to be settling in.  He responds to is name, knows the sit command. Loves to go on walks.  Is a great lap sleeper.  This week-end will be a interesting one.  Our Ten Friends are coming for our annual get-together, so there will be lots of strange people moving around, making noise, laughing out loud,  It should be a challenge for Nigel. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Nigel asleep on my lap


My Left Foot -- Actually right foot

 I have been dealing with a spur on the little toe of my fight foot for several months.  I had one removed on the left foot last year and I guess it was a matter of time before one appeared on the right.  Finally, it was taken care of last Wednesday.  The podiatrist uses an independent surgery center for his surgeries which seems to be the "norm" now.  Actually it worked quite well. 

   We arrived at 10 am.  They took me back to prep almost right away.  They came and got me and I was wheeled into the operating room at 10:55.  The room was brightly lit, which is probably a good idea.  I remember the nurse hooking up the IV for my anesthetic.  I remember there was music playing.  That's  about all I remember.  The next thing I remember is someone was moving my feet and I thought, " the surgeon shouldn't be moving my feet while he's operating.  Then I opened my eyes and I was back in the recovery area.   

   An hour later I was in the car on the way home.  My right foot is wrapped up.  I cannot get it wet for two weeks.  I have two backup appointments, the last one to get the stitches removed.  Then I will be able to shower again.  Yipee !

I sent this photo to Eric and he asked if my Halloween costume was a mummy

Monday, October 25, 2021

The Hunt for Fido ( AKA Nigel)

 The Hunt for Fido has ended.  At least the "Hunt" part has ended. Romeo ( now Nigel) arrived at the drop off point ( the Tualatin Fred Meyer) at 8:20 on Saturday evening.  We were waiting at the key making kiosk in the parking lot.  The van with the "pups" dropped Nigel and Broccoli and zoomed off to their last stop.  Nigel was in the crate that he had spent the day in.  We carried him to our car and lifted him out.  Randa, Hunter, Nigel and I walked around the parking lot to give the boys time to get rid of bodily fluids and we loaded up and headed home. 

   The four of us stayed up for an hours or so to give Nigel time to look around.  We showed him the house and sat with him for a while before going on a walk around the block which is part of our evening ritual. 

 The next day went well.  More exploring. More training.  More getting to know each other.  Nigel got a well needed bath.  His crate received a much needed cleaning.

Nigel's first bath

Asleep in one of Hunter's beds
Happiness is a safe warm place to nap.


Thursday, October 21, 2021



Fall colors on the ground.  Fall colors all around.

A few of our Dahlias are still blooming

Some neighbors too.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Moon

 Last night on our evening walk about 9pm., I could hear a commercial airplane coming from the south on it's way to the Portland Airport.  It's a normal sound and I normally check out the flight as it passes just east of us.  The night sky was most cloudy but the portion of the sky near the moon was almost clear.  

   As I gazed up at the partially full moon, the silhouette of the approaching plane emerged from the clouds and passed in front of it before disappearing into the gloom.  It was a split second happening, yet one I will remember for a long time.  

   Life is made up of those flashes that are there and gone.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

the Hunt # 9

 The Hunt for Fido is over.  Well, almost.  Saturday evening I signed a "Foster to Adoption" contract with a rescue group called "Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue".   It is a volunteer-run organization that rescues dogs and cats from Central California shelters and brings them up Oregon to find forever homes for them.  

    This little guy showed up on their site under the name Romeo.  He's a Yorkie / Terrier mix.  So the conversation began.  An application was filled out online.  A telephone interview was next.  We have had home visits before, when we adopted each Greyhound.  The home visit for" MMinH" was done on a Zoom call.   I had spent a previous afternoon fastening patches to cover potential escape spots in our fence, so our backyard passed inspection.. 
    That brought us to Saturday evening.  A printed, signed, and scanned document made the transaction official.  He will be coming up from California on Saturday.  We should get him Saturday evening.  

    Randa wanted to change his name.  After a day of looking at boy names online we decided on "Nigel".  We had considered adopting a Doberman named Nigel several years ago and the name stuck with us.  Besides Nigel has the same coloring of that big Nigel.  I did research on the name; Nigel in Irish and English history means "Champion"  In Latin, Black or Dark.

    So Nigel will be our Black Champion !!!  

Next post = Nigel photos.  😄 

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Hunt # 8

 As of last night October 17, 2021 we have been approved for the "Foster to Adoption " Program from Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue.  Our future family member, Romeo, will be traveling up from California and arriving in our area Saturday evening.  We are both excited and apprehensive.  Having never met Romeo and not knowing much about him we are doing this on faith.  Faith that we can figure out what Romeo needs to feel safe and comfortable and can relax and enjoy his life in a new environment.

   The foster program is 30 days.  After that comes the decision to adopt or give back.  Giving back is not an adoption we want to do.  It would be hard for us but even harder for the dog.  He should be pretty settled in by then so the decision, hopefully , should be a done deal.  (fingers crossed).  

   Will include a photo soon.   YAH HOO !! 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Good Morning

Hunter and I were greeted with this view on our morning walk.  A pleasant way to start our day. 

 We had a video Zoom call with a representative of "Miracles Made in Heaven" another rescue group.  This one finds needy or abandon dogs and cats in central California and brings up north.  We have filled out an application for both fostering and adopting with this group.  I have found that these groups are very stringent about who they allow adopt their pets.  The applications are quite detailed, asking questions about discipling, feeding, sleeping, etc.  I wonder if I called a breeder if he would ask me such questions if I wanted to purchase one of his puppies.  

   So we are still waiting.  Romeo is the latest of the candidates.  He is currently is California waiting for a ride.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Hunt for Fido #7

 I am here to announce that the hunt is not over yet.  We drove the hour and a half to Eugene to attend a adoption event at the local PetSmart.  By the 6 o'clock start time the waiting line in the store was 20 + people long.  All were waiting for a chance to find a new furry family member.  There were big dogs and little. Adult and puppies.  Lots of puppies.  I think that's what most folks came for.

   We went there to see a particular dog, Parker.  The photo on the website showed a little white cutie.  And a cutie, he was.  He was a very happy, active dog.  But he just did not feel like the right mix so we declined to adopt him.  Fortunately there was another couple that was interested in him, so he was going to go to a new home that night.   

   Today I did some more searching online.  I have been in some of these sites so often I know them by heart.  It does seem that the rescue organizations are hampered by Covid19 precautions so the wheels do not turn very swiftly.  It's a test of patience for sure.  But with the help of a friend, I found a new site, Match Made In Heaven Rescue.  On their website I found another dog to apply for.  Take a look at Romeo.

Romeo is a three year old Yorkie mix.  He gets major points in cuteness don't you think?  I'll keep you informed.  I am keeping calm.  We have been disappointed several times so far.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Time to Pray

I saw this girl on our last day at Bonneville


Tourist day in the Gorge.

 One of our last days off we spent the day driving around like tourists.  We drove Historic Hwy 30 from exit 35 all the way into Gresham.  There are many waterfalls.  About six are running right now.  In the spring the number is twelve or more.  Driving Hwy 30 is exciting not only because of the scenic beauty but also because the road was opened in 1916 when the cars were a bit smaller.  

   Like I said we stopped at several falls.  This one is Horsetail Falls

Wakeena Falls

Oneoda Tunnel

Oneoda Gorge

 Columbia Gorge and Vista Point 

It was fun being a tourist for a change.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Hunt for Fido #6

 I hate to admit it but here we are and we still don't have a new dog.  We have come close twice.  Both times we were too late.  Both dogs sounded great.  Both of us were very disappointed.

   As of today there are 5 candidates we interested in :  Ben  and Parker in Eugene

                                                                                        Jicama and Klondike  in Portland

                                                                                        Desi       in   Boise

               Oh and I just inquired about another fella       Sir Lancelot  in Tualatin

I must admit that I am getting better at searching for dogs that are looking for new forever homes.  And there are way too many out there needing love.  If you are thinking of a new pet, please consider adopting a rescued one.   


Monday, October 4, 2021

The Hunt for Fido Day 5

 Drove to Silverton on Sunday.  Woods Creek Rescue was not what we imagined.  Not as organized, Not as nice. Not as clean.  We visited two dogs.  Rosco was the one we were aiming at, but he turned out to be a jumper and a nipper, two actions that we do not condone.  When we knew Rosco was not right the volunteer host brought out Zoe, a small fuzzy Shepard mix.  She was a cutie but a little too young and full of spunk for us.

  Today Randa and I spent the day as tourists stopping a four great waterfalls along Historic Highway 30.  During our day, I received several emails from rescue organizations that I had contacted the night before. Tonight I completed and emailed two applications .  Let's see what happens next. 

Oneonda tunnel

  There's a light at the end of my tunnel and it's Randa and Hunter

Friday, October 1, 2021

The Hunt for Fido pg 4

 Change in plans.  

   Bad News ::

     Friday afternoon we were going to SW Washington Rescue Center, to see Babo.   Friday morning I received an email saying Babo had been adopted.  Darn ! He was high on our list because he was a Dachshund .   

    Good News::  

     We received an email from  Woods Creek Rescue Center offering us a "Meet and Greet"  to meet another candidate.  So our Meet and Greet with Rosco is scheduled for Sunday at 1pm.


We still have a meet and greet with Chantel of BarkK9 Rescue Monday at 1pm

We have not heard back from One Tail at a Time that have Jicama and Klondike.  They have our application, we are just waiting for the volunteer staff to move through the process.

So the hunt continues.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Hunt for Fido Page 3

 Well the hunt is getting more interesting.  Either I'm getting better at this or there are more dogs available.  At least more dogs that meet our specifications.

   K9 Rescue                      Chantel    F     4-5      Cairn Terrier mix     #1

 One Tail at a Time            Jicama     F     8-9       Poodle mix              #2     

 OTAT                                Klondike Bar  M    3-4  Yorkie Mix           #3

 SW Wash. Dog Services   Babu       F     9        Dachshund       

To be continued



Klondike Bar

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Hunt for Fido #2

The search continues.  After spending many hours online I had only limited positive results. I put in "Rescue sites Washington."  and then  "Rescue sites Oregon" and sat for a long time looking at homeless dogs.  

Lots of big dogs:  Labs, Pit Bulls. Shepherds, and many other mixes.   

Small dogs :  Chihuahuas, terriers, and mixes.

Neither ones meet our criteria.  Ideal would be another Dachshund.  But others are acceptable.  So the search goes on.

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Hunt for "Fido"

  The hunt for a new canine member of our family { I'm calling him/her, Fido} yesterday included a visit to a rescue pound called New Life in Milwaukee.  They operate a little differently than other rescue operations.  Their animals are up on their webpage for all to see, but personal visits  are the way in to meet and decide to adopt.  I read nothing about home visits, interviews like other organizations require.  The dog we found on their page and went to see yesterday, was already being adopted as we visited.   

   Meanwhile Hunter dreams of his next best friend.

Chicken Soup

 The rain started about 8 pm last night. It has been raining steadily since.  Today is a good old fashioned Oregon rainy day and the forecast is for several more.   A definite Chicken Soup kind of day.


Friday, September 24, 2021

Looking for a friend for Hunter

 It has been three weeks since we said goodbye to Quam.  Still miss him.  So does Hunter.  He is whining when he hears us coming from the car to the trailer.  He needs a buddy.

   So we have begun the search for a companion for our big boy.  We are aiming for a smallish friend.  A dachshund would be our first choice.  I have been looking online at numerous websites for numerous rescue organizations in the area.  I have noticed that there are many dogs that are being rescued from Texas.  Although it is a wonderful service, you don't to meet the dog until it is transported from that far location.  1we want to be able to have Hunter meet the candidate before we do the paperwork.  So wt are avoiding Texas canines.

   Today I sent several applications to various groups inquiring about available doggies.  We will see what comes from my time spent.   I will keep you posted. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Salmon at the Bonneville Hatchery

After work yesterday we visited the Bonneville Hatchery which is located adjacent to the dam.  The salmon are definitely there to spawn.  The concrete waterways into the body of the hatchery are full of adult fish trying to get "up stream".  The hatchery will soon open it's gates and allow the fish in, but until then the fish wait, impatiently.
Looking down into the channel.  There are some huge fish in the group.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Thursday Trip

 Thursday we took a road trip down the Willamette Valley.  First stop was Champoeg State Park.  It has been many years since we were last there.  The Visitor Center has been greatly improved.  The museum is small but very well decorated.  Quite nice.  The Willamette River was the chief route for transportation throughout the valley.  The townsite of Champoeg was in the middle of commerce until the massive flood of 1861 when all of the buildings were floated away.  Never to return.  The park is large and a great to visit for biking , hiking, camping and even boating.  The very nice state park.

   Leaving Champoeg, we drove south through farmland.  Nurseries were everywhere.  We had a picnic at Willamette Mission State Park that tells the story of a Methodist Mission established in the 1860s.  The beginning of the colonization of what we now know as Oregon.

  From there another longer hop south to the Thompson Mill State Heritage Site near the village of Shedd.  The water powered mill has been there from the 1860s changing and adapting to the changes in rural needs Grain, hydro-electric power , animal food grinding.  A very interesting story of change to keep viable.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Goodbye Dear Quam

We said goodbye to our sweet boy, Quam yesterday.  He was our first male dog, but our fifth Dachshund.  He was an April 2016 graduate of Clackamas County Dog Services under the name of Johnny.  We changed it To "Ranger Jeff Quam" after the LE Ranger who gave me CPR at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument on January of 2016.

Being a typical Doxie, he gave us some challenges.  He loved to sneak out an open door.  He would run until I discovered that if I stopped he would also.  Quammie also loved cat food.  Whether it was in the bowl in the neighbor's garage or recycled buried in bark mulch in the nearby boulevards. Also trach cans were a favorite toys of his.  He was very good at tipping at over and sampling the contents.
We will him a lot.


Monday, August 30, 2021

Morning 8/31/21

 This is the last day of our first month here at Bonneville Dam.  I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. 

This was my view as Hunter and I walked around the "neighborhood".  Nice.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hood River Fruit valley

Yesterday we drove south of Hood River on Hwy 35 into the Hood River fruit area.  The area is a unique micro-climate,  Undulating hills morphing into mountains covered with fruit trees.  Produce warehouses here and there.  Fruit boxes stacked in their parking lots and scattered orchards.  

   Then there are the fruit and produce stands.  The valley has many.  Every one the same. Every one of them different.  Yesterday, peaches, pears and nectarines were in the sale bins.    Apples are a few weeks not ready yet.  Oh, and gourds too.  Big ones and littles ones.  A rainbow of colors.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Pacific Crest Trail Days

 This past weekend saw the Pacific Crest Trail Days in Cascade Locks, Or.  I found out about it on Friday so several of us from here decided to meet up at the event in the nearby town.  The PCT crosses the Columbia River on the Bridge of the Gods which bisects the town.  ( It's 40 miles west or 30 east to the next crossing opportunity.)

   We went after work so we arrived about 6pm.  The area was down by the river near the marina.  We knew we were in the right area because there were lots of young people wearing backpacks and boots.  We met up with our friends and headed into the display area.  Canopies on both sides displayed tents, shoes, and other outdoor necessities.  Backpacking has changed, modernized .  The packs are better.  No more external frames. Boots are different.  Leather is almost non-existent.  (The Danner booth had some leather boots.)  New tents.  There was even a insulated hammock.  Not much good in the plains.

  A couple of discoveries.

  1.       The Blue Mountain Trail.   A brand new 565 mile trail in NE Oregon. Very difficult and very remote. 

   2.  Pee Cloths.    Evidently these are used by women hikers to clean themselves on the trail.  (They are "cleaned" by rinsing the creeks along the way and then hanging to dry on the pack.)  

Even though I no longer back pack, it was fun to see what's new and bring back some nice memories.


Yesterday I gave a tour of the Washington facility to several adult chaperones and 15 foreign exchange high school students that are attending SW Washington high schools.  A couple of weeks ago I was asked by the AFS coordinator if I would show them around and I said, "Sure".   It was great fun for me and, I think, educational for them.  I was surprised that they were all females.  I was also surprised by their master of the English language.  I doubt that I could ever speak any foreign language as well as they do. 

   I showed them the turbines.  I explained how electricity is made from water using simple props such as a bottle of water, a magnet, a pinwheel, a chunk of wire.  It is quite simple and it makes it easier to explain to the public.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


Hydropower is generated from water.  Flowing water.  Actually falling water.  Water wheels were that first hydropower generators and that energy turned belts which turns machines.  Or it turned grinding stones for mills. 
Today water turns turbines which turns rotators which pass magnets which generates electricity. 
These 8 generators are in Powerhouse 2 on the Washington side of Bonneville Dam.  If you look closely you will see the light on the nearest unit.  That means that it was operating when I took this photo.  If you look more carefully , you can just make out that the last generator is also running.  The reason for that is that the running units expel water on the low side of the dam.  The salmon coming upstream are drawn to moving water and head that it.  The fish ladders are located at each end of Powerhouse 2 so the Salmon can find a way to get around Bonneville Dam and continue their journey upriver to their spawning ground.   Some of these fish swim over 500 miles to return to their birthplace. I met a visitor yesterday that worked at a remote hatchery in Idaho almost in Montana.  Their fish pass through the Bonneville Dam on their way home.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Bonneville Training

 Today is the third and final day of my training.  Randa completed  hers while I was in Minnesota. Yesterday we learned about the Washington side of the facility.  Meg gave us a thorough tour including areas we never saw when were volunteered here two years ago.  It was fun and  interesting.  

    There is a tremendous amount of information to absorb and learn.  We will never learn it all.   

Training also includes where the information is located.  When were at the front desks, we are targets for questions, so that is where most of the info is located.  Also rangers are close by if we need them.  Volunteers on duty allow rangers to have time to do other duties. 

Gotta get ready for work.  Photos to come soon\.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Bonneville Rv Site

This is our Bonneville Dam RV site on Robins Island.  There are seven of them nicely spaced.  
This is the view from our front door steps looking Northeast downriver.  If you in the distance, you can just see the Columbia River.  If you look sharply you might get a glimpse of an approaching tug

The tugs aim at our island and turn just as they get close, then ease into this channel which is the approach to the gates of the lock.  The tug pilots ease their monster barges into the locks expertly and gently. 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Bonneville Dam

 We are back !!  Back volunteering at Bonneville Lock and Dam  We were here two years ago.  So. like I said, "We are back".  We packed up on Sunday and drove the 50 miles here Monday morning.  Spent the rest of the day getting set up.  It took longer to set up than to drive from home.

   Tuesday we drove back to Canby to get some items that we forgot.  Didn't put them on the list.  Got a couple of groceries and returned.  Watched a couple of episodes of Brookenwood.  Pretty good.

   Today was our first day of work, our first day of training.  It was brand new information for the three other couples  and a good review for Randa and me.  There is a huge amount of data at Bonneville,  Most of it is buried in the back of our brains.  Today some of that info started oozing out of the back ,

  Yesterday I saw our first tug and barge.  Today the first cruise ship.  Freight goes on, but cruise 

ships have not been plying these waters during Covid.

Enjoying the views.


Sunday, August 1, 2021

One of Life's Challenges

 Friday Randa and I spent the day visiting funeral homes. How about that for fun?   All of this was prompted because I lost my brother in law in Minnesota on Wednesday.  This caused the idea to start in the back of my head.  It actually has been brewing in Randa's head as well.  So last week I started the ball rolling by contacting a company that does this kind of thing.  I salesperson visited our home to tell us about their service.  

   We visited the funeral homes to get a "feel of the land".  It was interesting.  They were similar, but all different.   The possibilities for funeral arrangements are only limited by the size of the check to be written.  Some of the options:  Lunch catered through the funeral home.  $1000 + or -.  We are planning on cremation so that eliminates casket, vault and burial fees ( I can't imagine how expensive that would be.)  If you want  a service at the facility, figure on another $1000.  How about an urn for your ashes, because they come back from the crematorium in a cardboard box.  The cheapest wooden box or china or resin urn was $275 and they went up from there.  When we got home I looked online and you can get a hand carved rosewood box from...yup, you guessed it, Amazon, for about $40.  Also Walmart. com and many others.

  Now we sit back and think about it.  The salesperson that visited us quoted $5000 each for the whole package;  Handling the body, cremation, urn, hosting a service in their facility, catering a lunch ( No that was $995 extra).  delivering the Urn to  Williamette National Cemetery for a short military ceremony and then placement in special area.   

   That was one option.  There are several more to consider.   Hmmmmm.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Molalla River July 19, 2021

 Spent the afternoon with Eric.  Decided to take a drive up the Molalla River.  After an enjoyable lunch at Jakes Burgers we drove out of Molalla and tooled south along the east side of river on South Dickey Prairie Road.  We could catch glimpses of the water through the trees, but the views got better when we crossed the river and continued south on S. Molalla Forest  Road.  We drove as far as we could .  A gate stopped our progress after a few miles.   

We turned around and meandered our way back, stopping often to enjoy the sights and sounds of the river.  Small river rapids, small fish, swimming pools, lots of blue sky and greenery.