Monday, December 20, 2021

K C Update

 It is now Dec 20, 2021.  We have been here at KC for 15 days.  We made it through 4 days of guide training.  We have been getting familiar with the tools and procedures of the place.  I gave my first tour Saturday.  It wasn't bad for my first, but I know I can get better.  

  Being in front of a group of visitors is both exciting and scary.  Knowing your subject helps a lot.  Not being totally familiar with the cave is a bit nerve - racking.  Time and repetition will help. 

   Our work schedule is morning shift, Wednesday through Saturday.  We asked for at least one week-end day a week so that we can attend special events in the area.  We are ready to go out and enjoy the world again.

This was the moon this morning.  I started the walk with the boys this morning with the moonlight lighting our way and ended it with the light of the dawn on our backs. 

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