Friday, December 10, 2021

First week at KC (Kartchner Caverns)

 After two days of getting the house "squared away", we were ready to visit the Discovery Center and have a meeting with the Volunteer Coordinator, Kyle.  We spent an hour or so talking with Kyle, received our uniform shirts, established our work schedule,  and basically catching up.  Met some new folks got hugs or elbow bumps from folks that we had worked with two seasons ago.  There have been some changes but much is the same.  It felt comfortable. 

   Wednesday and Thursday we donned our uniform shirts and went in to find tours that we could jump on to reacquaint ourselves with the cave.  We both helped on a Rotunda tour on Wed and Thurs we split up.  Randa was a trailer on a Rotunda tour and did the same on a tour of the Big Room.  It was fun getting back into the darkness and seeing familiar formations again.  We have opted to take the lead guide training next week.  It has been nearly 2 yrs since we were stopped by Covid, so we figured it would be rime well spent.

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