Sunday, August 1, 2021

One of Life's Challenges

 Friday Randa and I spent the day visiting funeral homes. How about that for fun?   All of this was prompted because I lost my brother in law in Minnesota on Wednesday.  This caused the idea to start in the back of my head.  It actually has been brewing in Randa's head as well.  So last week I started the ball rolling by contacting a company that does this kind of thing.  I salesperson visited our home to tell us about their service.  

   We visited the funeral homes to get a "feel of the land".  It was interesting.  They were similar, but all different.   The possibilities for funeral arrangements are only limited by the size of the check to be written.  Some of the options:  Lunch catered through the funeral home.  $1000 + or -.  We are planning on cremation so that eliminates casket, vault and burial fees ( I can't imagine how expensive that would be.)  If you want  a service at the facility, figure on another $1000.  How about an urn for your ashes, because they come back from the crematorium in a cardboard box.  The cheapest wooden box or china or resin urn was $275 and they went up from there.  When we got home I looked online and you can get a hand carved rosewood box from...yup, you guessed it, Amazon, for about $40.  Also Walmart. com and many others.

  Now we sit back and think about it.  The salesperson that visited us quoted $5000 each for the whole package;  Handling the body, cremation, urn, hosting a service in their facility, catering a lunch ( No that was $995 extra).  delivering the Urn to  Williamette National Cemetery for a short military ceremony and then placement in special area.   

   That was one option.  There are several more to consider.   Hmmmmm.

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