Monday, October 25, 2021

The Hunt for Fido ( AKA Nigel)

 The Hunt for Fido has ended.  At least the "Hunt" part has ended. Romeo ( now Nigel) arrived at the drop off point ( the Tualatin Fred Meyer) at 8:20 on Saturday evening.  We were waiting at the key making kiosk in the parking lot.  The van with the "pups" dropped Nigel and Broccoli and zoomed off to their last stop.  Nigel was in the crate that he had spent the day in.  We carried him to our car and lifted him out.  Randa, Hunter, Nigel and I walked around the parking lot to give the boys time to get rid of bodily fluids and we loaded up and headed home. 

   The four of us stayed up for an hours or so to give Nigel time to look around.  We showed him the house and sat with him for a while before going on a walk around the block which is part of our evening ritual. 

 The next day went well.  More exploring. More training.  More getting to know each other.  Nigel got a well needed bath.  His crate received a much needed cleaning.

Nigel's first bath

Asleep in one of Hunter's beds
Happiness is a safe warm place to nap.


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