Sunday, October 31, 2021

My Left Foot -- Actually right foot

 I have been dealing with a spur on the little toe of my fight foot for several months.  I had one removed on the left foot last year and I guess it was a matter of time before one appeared on the right.  Finally, it was taken care of last Wednesday.  The podiatrist uses an independent surgery center for his surgeries which seems to be the "norm" now.  Actually it worked quite well. 

   We arrived at 10 am.  They took me back to prep almost right away.  They came and got me and I was wheeled into the operating room at 10:55.  The room was brightly lit, which is probably a good idea.  I remember the nurse hooking up the IV for my anesthetic.  I remember there was music playing.  That's  about all I remember.  The next thing I remember is someone was moving my feet and I thought, " the surgeon shouldn't be moving my feet while he's operating.  Then I opened my eyes and I was back in the recovery area.   

   An hour later I was in the car on the way home.  My right foot is wrapped up.  I cannot get it wet for two weeks.  I have two backup appointments, the last one to get the stitches removed.  Then I will be able to shower again.  Yipee !

I sent this photo to Eric and he asked if my Halloween costume was a mummy

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