Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sunny but cool

The clouds have disappeared.  The blue skies have returned.  But it was a bit cool this morning.  37 showed on our outside thermometer.  The Sonoran Desert gets about a dozen nights where the temperature goes below freezing but only for a few hours.  The plants here, especially the Organ Pipe and the Senetas do not like cold temperatures.  The Organ Pipes do best on the south side of the hills among the rocks.  The rocks store the heat of the day and help to keep the area a tiny bit warmer.  The Senetas are more cold sensitive than the Organ Pipes and tend to grow in the southern area of the National Monument.  The Seneta Basin is the best area to visit because you can see Organ Pipes, Saguaros, ans Senetas growing right alongside each other.  It is fun area to visit in the park.

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