Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday Morning

   Saturday Morning and I am here in the Sanora Building (volunteer building) for a few minutes.  I just put a small load in the washer.  It is odd not being at work.  As a couple we are allowed to split our 32 hours per week so being that R is not a morning person, I usually take the am session ( 7:45 - 1pm ) and R takes the afternoon.  However, the morning is when the van trips are scheduled.  The park offers narrated van tours on the Ajo Mountain Drive.  Up to ten visitors are picked up at the campground and driven around the loop with a ranger as a guide., telling them about the flora and fauna, history and geology of the desert they are viewing.  In the past we volunteers conducted many of these tours but there are too many rangers so we don't get the chance this year,  But we go get to drive some of the tours and also drive another van that takes hikers out to certain locales and drops them off 4 days a week.  There are lots of hiking possibilities at ORPI.
   Another beautiful, but cool day.  The wind has been blowing night and day for several.  It has kept the temps from rising the way we would like.  The forecast is showing a warming trend which will be greatly appreciated.  70s will be great!

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