Thursday, January 5, 2017


Started loading the trailer in earnest yesterday.  The floor areas were emptied totally because we had new carpeting and vinyl installed.  After ten years it was time for new.  It looks very nice.  So it is time to put everything back in.  Of course the while area needed to be vacuumed to take up the carpet "strings".  Today I will remake the bed and load the storage area beneath it.  This is always an exciting time.  It is less so this time because R is still spending 4-6 hours a day in the CPM machine and doing other exercises recommended by the physical therapists.  It is not an especially fun time for her right now, but now is the time to do it.  The muscles and tendons are not wanting to be stretched and pulled but it has to be done.  She is determined to more flexible than she was prior to her surgery.  I am very proud of the work she is doing.

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