Sunday, January 8, 2017

Another Winter Storm

     We have had our fourth snow event.  Like the others, it did not amount to much.  Maybe a little more than an inch.  This one came up from the south so the amounts and the effects were greater from Eugene to Salem.  Although the snow totals were low the effects, the media made it sound like it was the storm of the century.  We have friends who live on the other side of town (less than 2 miles) cancel their trip to our house yesterday because of the snow.  :)
    Now, as  I type this, the temperature outside the kitchen window has zoomed up to 33.4 degrees so the melt has started.  I can hear water dripping down the gutters.  I haven;t heard that for several weeks.   The streets of the neighborhood are no longer white, but silver gray, slippery wet ice.
   The high temps in the balmy low 40's and rain for the next 3-4 days will bring back "normal" conditions for western Oregon.  Will I welcome it?   Hmmm.....

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