Friday, January 13, 2017

Hitting the Road

Finally, the departure day is nearing.  We are leaving tomorrow morning.  The trailer is mostly packed.  How many t-shirts do I need?  How many flannel shirts or jeans?  (It seems we always take too much)  Exceptions are food, refrigerator and freezer items.  My swimming suit and towel are in the dryer and when they are dry, they go in a packing tub and into the basement storage area.  There are no swimming pools near ORPI, so we have to wait until we get to Tahoe.
   I am anxious to get going.  My mind is going ninety miles an hour thinking of the route and fueling spots, overnight spots, etc.  I would much prefer to go over Willamette Pass and down through K Falls, Reno, Vegas.  Too much winter in the Cascades.  The passes are snow covered and chains required.  No way am I going that way pulling a fifth wheel, so it is the grind down I-5.   :(  Lots of traffic, California prices, but it gets us on our way.  By for now.

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