Saturday, January 9, 2016

Trip East Day 6 Ozona to LBJ

   Yipee !  We made it !  We left Ozona about 8:30.  Because we were 1/4 mile from I-10 we were on the road within minutes.  Mp 365 to mp 477, exit unto Hwy 290 east bound.  Sixty miles on 290 brought us about 14 miles east of Fredricksburg about 1:30.
    LBJ State Park and LBJ Ranch National Historic Park are side by side.  The normal entry is to go to the state park, see the movie, visit the displays and then cross the Pedernales River and onto the ranch.
    We met our NPS coordinator and he led us to our RV spot at the north end of the ranch itself.  A few hours later the rig was set up.  There were a few glitches.  I discovered as we were setting up at Ozona, that the back left stabilizing jack had been damaged.  There are black marks along the left side of the trailer which means I rubbed against something on the previous day.  I can't remember any "contact".  It still is a mystery.  The problem is not the black marks (they are removable with elbow grease).  The jack was bent.  More accurately, the bracket is bent and the attachment bolt sheared off. With help from my neighbors and a trip to the maintenance building to get another bolt, the jack was repaired and the setup completed.
   Some people say, "When you are camping, you don't have any house repairs to do."  Not an accurate statement.  The fifth wheel is our house and repairs are always going to be needed.  "Maintenance happens."

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