Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Morning Jan 17, 2016

Cool morning, almost cold.  Out outside thermometer said 28.  The boys didn't seem to mind as much  as I did when we went for our morning jaunt.  Somewhere in the trees of our woods right here an owl was asking his questions.  We did not have any answers for him.  The warmth of the sun helped us feel better about being out and about.  I am appreciating the earlier sunrises.  If we could get a little warmer temps that would be even better.
   Scraped the windshield before we could drive the mile and a half to the ranch.  The deer were everywhere.  Last night we met some fellow volunteers at a joint 25 miles out in the boondocks.  Alamo Springs has one of the best burgers in Texas.  They are awesome.  Well worth almost getting lost to get there.  The burgers are not a secret because the place was busy.  Next time we may go on a weekday.  But we will definitely go again.  It is a place to take visiting friends.  Next time I will take a photo of the burger before we consume it.  I thought of the photo too late.

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