Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday 1/28/16

    Bright and sunny.  Below freezing last night, but a warming trend is coming.  67 today, 80 by Saturday.  Yippee.
    The morning news today had a story about the happenings at Malheur.  I am more than ready for that situation to be done.  The arrest result was unfortunate, but not surprising.  Those militia members that remain at the refuge headquarters should pick up their marbles and go home.  They should never have been allowed to be there is the first place.
    Today I am TW2.  That means I am responsible for opening and closing the school house, birthplace, bathroom.  Also there are two flags that are raised and lowered each day.  It was my first time so another volunteer went with me to answer any questions I had.  I had questions so the company was appreciated.  I am still learning.

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