Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Trip east Day 5 El Paso - Ozona

Day 5 was I-10 east.  Ozona, Tx is a small town at mp 365 so we traveled 60 miles further than the mileage of I-5 through Oregon.  The highway varied from new and smooth to "where to I drive to avoid the roughest part?"  And trucks,  and more trucks, and even more trucks.  The speed limit is 80 and I drive at 62 so everyone, except other RVs, goes whizzing by.

 My observation of west Texas.  Very few towns along I-10.  Once we got through the El Paso area I think we passed maybe 4-5 towns.   The topography was my biggest eye opener.  I expected FLAT.  Not so at all,  We saw mountains, valleys, rolling hills covered with junipers and bushes, and some flat lands with creosote and prickly pear.  I don't remember even seeing ranches out there.  I wonder what the land is used for and who owns it.  In Nevada most of the land is federal but I am not sure with Texas.
  Looking forward to getting to LBJ just after lunch today and parking this rig for a while.

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