Saturday, January 9, 2016

Surprises about Texas

My only exposure to Texas has been work related trips to Houston many years ago, so our trip east on I-10 has been eye-opening.
     I expected the land to be flat.  It was not. There were mountains in the west and hilly area the rest of the way.
    I expected all desert.  It was not.  The western area was arid but as we traveled east the greenery increased, the mountains become hills.  The hills become more populated with trees,
    I expected cows.  What we have seen the most of?  Goats!  Yes, goats.  Who would have thought?
    I expected exotic animals.  We have seen a couple.  We saw a armadillo.  Of course it was lying dead alongside the road.  On my walk with Hunter this morning, I spied a large bird with white on it's rump and on it's head.  A Caracara.  It looks like a hawk and acts like a vulture.  It has the tools of a hawk and an appetite for carrion  It was pretty neat.

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