Monday, January 25, 2016

Night walk

   Every night the "boys" and I go on a walk before bed.  A chance for them to take care of "you know what" and for me to prepare for a night's sleep.  It is, of course, dark; darker when the moon is hiding or in new phase, lighter as it gets closer to full.
   Last night was full moon so it should have been bright.  However, the clouds moving rapidly from the south caused the light to vary greatly.  It was during one of the darker moments when the three of us were aware of movement nearby.  Quam's ears were perked up and he was looking intently to the south.  Hunter, too was aware that something or somethings were afoot.
   As I stared intently at the multi-gray shadows in the night, I detected darker shadows moving rapidly in the pasture about 100 ft from us.  A few shadows, then more.  Light rustling was the only sound.  Then, as those shadows crossed the paved ranch road, there was a light clicking of hooves.  As quickly as they "appeared", they were gone, moving to a place safe from night walkers.  We headed back to the trailer.

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