Friday, January 1, 2021

Trippin' to Arizona Day 4

 Hawthorne to CalNevAri  383 miles

    Knowing that we had to go quite a ways on Wed we set the alarm for 6:15.  We pulled the big slide in and decided to stop at McDonalds for breakfast to help shorten the day.  So when I heard Hunter fussing in the morning I looked at the clock and it read, :7:00 .  The alarm did not go off.  "Thanks, Hunter, for waking us up!"

    In spite of our late start, we made good time.  Two passes of 6000 ft.  Tonopah was the first.  A couple of inches of snow on the ground but we did not stop for fuel like we usually do and but waited until we got to Beatty. Diesel fuel has jumped about 60 cents since I checked two weeks ago.  Beatty Alco had the best price around and it was $2.71/ gal.  I thought that 2.71 would be the highest price we would pay.  Wrong. 2,75 in Searchlight.  Ten miles down the road we stopped at the RV park in CalNevAri.

   A good day.  Tomorrow will be the last day.  😊 

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