Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Trippin' to Arizona Day 3

 Day Three Klamath Falls,  Or to Hawthorne, Nv  373 miles

Got on the road at 8:08.  Really a good start for us.  Like I said it was 12 when we got up.  The trailer was nice and warm so we didn't notice til we stepped outside.  Actually, I notice when walked the boys for their morning walk.  After breakfast of cereal and toast Randa packed up and I did the outside stuff, disconnecting the power cord and the cord to the truck heater.  The Ford is equipped with a heater to help with starting in cold weather.  I had the truck for a couple of years before I discovered it.  [Actually. someone told me about it.]  It is a good thing.

  I helped Randa get the slides in and then went back outside to start the truck.  I had to scrap the windshield as I let the truck run.  I felt kinda guilty because we were the first rig to leave.  But we needed to get on the road so it happened.  The rig next to us was the pop up comp trailer so I bYummet he heard every sound.  (I can't imagine being in a pop-up canvas-sided camper in 12 degrees.   brrrr

   Hit the road nice sunshine all the way.  Stopped in Alturas to walk the boys.  Then again at the rest area aobut 20 mile south of Sacramento on 395.  Then it was straight through Reno and fuel at Fallon.  328 miles on 30.4 gallons.  That's better than 10 mpg.  Pretty good for the load I pull and the mountains we traversed.  

   70 mores miles and we arrived at Whiskey Run RV Park in Hawthorne, NV at 5pm.  A long but fruitful day.  Now rest and supper.    Randa is trying her new rice cooker.  :)

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