Saturday, December 12, 2020

15 Days

 Still getting ready for Christmas.  At least Randa is.  She baked Peanut Butter Blossoms and Bonbons the last couple of days and is now making little "goodies" packages to give to neighbors and friends.  

  The trailer loading  program is sort of on hold.  I am going to put out the bedroom and kitchen slide on Monday to allow access to cupboards and closets for further loading.  Some food items can be loaded into the frig and freezer t right now.  Fresh food will have to wait until the last days.   

   Doctor visits are on-going.  I had my skin check at the dermatologist.  Got 7 or 8 nitrogen burns on my face and head.  

   Thursday I drove to the VA hospital to pick up a sleep test unit.    That night I strapped a cigarette pack sized unit to my chest.  Put a oxygen tester device on my index finger. attached a cannula in my nose (with a tube running to the device on my chest.  My sleep activities were recorded  and the next day I slipped all the equipment into an envelope and mailed it back to the hospital.  I will hear back in a month or so, but upon reading the forms that I filled out prior to shipping, my symptoms seem pretty insignificant to the choices given on the form. 

Another Blu-U Treatment at the dermatologist. On the 22nd and I should be done with doctors for 2020.   

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