Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Trippin' Day Two

 Redmond to Klamath Falls  - 153  miles Monday Dec 28

Day Two started out great.   We met up with Jason and Toni at the Deshutes County Fairgrounds which was actually the Expo Campground is part of.  We drove a short distance and parked got immediate hugs, [with jackets, scarves, hats, mittens and masks.  Still, it was wonderful to be greeted so warmly in the frosty air.  J & T have two dogs, I.V and Loona who are a big part of their lives.  The four dogs had great fun running around the big open area and smelling all the exotic aromas that lingered there.  After about two hours of catching up, the cold finally got to us so we exchanged Christmas packages, and hugged good bye .

    We climbed in the rig and headed south.  We arrived in Klamath Falls about 4 ish.  Got fuel, a few groceries , and checked into the KOA.  The KOA was a nice surprise.  Close by, Easy access back onto the highway and a nice place.  Between the furnace and two space heaters, we were quite comfortable in spite of the cold temps.  It was 12 in the morning.   Yikes.   and people live here!

  We went to bed early so we could get an early start.

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