Saturday, December 26, 2020



We leave tomorrow.  At least that is the plan.  The reservations have been made.  Redmond tomorrow night. Klamath Falls on Monday night, Hawthorne on Tuesday. CalNevAri on Wednesday. BTA on Thursday.  The crux day will be Tuesday.  Two high spots to go over between KF and Alturas on 139, and Alturas and Adin on 395.  Once we get south of those two spots we should not have to worry about snow.

  Today Randa takes down Christmas decorations ( and there are a bunch) and I finish loading the rig  We will sleep in the trailer tonight so that the sheets on our bed are clean. ( I am not sure why that is necessary, especially with no body staying in our houses with Covid) but Randa doesn't like to leave the house sit with dirty sheets.  

   Wish us well.  I am definitely ready to be active again.

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