Wednesday, January 6, 2021

BTA 7th Day

   We are on our 7th day at BTA.  We haven't left except to drive the short distance to Gold Canyon to get a few groceries at Bashas and Randa' prescription at Walgreens.  Otherwise we have been getting the trailer organized and getting re-acquainted with the park.  On Friday we do a practice tour with our supervisor to get signed off for work.  Saturday, I will give a cart tour.  It is available to everyone for an additional fee.  I think it usually for prospective donors or those who would have trouble walking around the site.  It should be interesting and fun. 

    The last three days Randa and I have shadowed the General Tour which happens at 11am every day.  Three days, three different guides.  It is fun to listen to other folks.  You get new perspectives, new ideas, new methods.  A very good idea.    Below is Ayers Lake in late afternoon.

We start giving tours on Monday.

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