Friday, January 8, 2021

In the Can

 My morning walk is usually started about 0630.  Hunter comes over by my side of the bed and stares at me.  I can almost hear him asking me to get dressed so that we can go for a walk.  As I sit on the end of the bed get dressed Hunter outs his head between my legs while I rub his ears and head.  I feel like we are hugging.  We both enjoy it immensely.  

  We usually start out walk through the picnic grounds.  As we wander around the area, I replace the lids on the garbage cans.  The local racoons visit them during the dark, looking for snacks.  Yesterday I found a young one that could not get back out. 

Notice the scratch marks the little guy made trying to leave. 
I tipped the barrel and he scooted away.


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