Monday, August 8, 2022


 The Woods here is awesome.  The state park has a variety of areas, some grass, lots of brush, Salal, Huckleberry, and others. Then there are lots of trees.  Not many, if any, hardwoods.  

 Happily I haven't seen any Gorse in my walks.  It is an invasive weed that is quite a problem in the Bandon area because was brought to the US by Lord Bennett in 1873s from his native Ireland.  He planted what he called Furze to remind him of home and it has spread like a weed choking out native plants and trees and is an extreme fire hazard when it dries out in the summer.  The town of Bandon burned twice because of it's flammability.  

   Anyway, back to the trees.  I'm not sure what they are but they are magnificent.

Don't you think they would be fun to climb?

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