Saturday, August 20, 2022

The New Light at Cape Blanco

 There is a new light source at the Cape Blanco Lighthouse.  From 1936 until March of 2022 there has been a series on incandescent light bulbs sending out warnings to mariners passing by.  "STAY AWAY"  The last were a pair of 1000 watt bulbs that were on a frame that offered an instant replacement when the first bulb failed.  

   All that changed in March of 2022 when the Coast Guard ANT (Aid to Navigation Team) replaced the unit with a LED light source.  There are many advantages to the switch.  Much longer life,  Cheaper to operate (250 W vs 1000 W ) .  Much , much brighter light.  Looks like something from the future.

But it's not the same.  The light (as a LED is much more directional so much of the Fresnel lens is not utilized so the light beam is not as tall.  The beam used to be visible from the visitor canter.  Now the beam is over our heads and only visible from afar. 

Take a look

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