Monday, August 29, 2022

Monday 29 Aug revision

 Today we pulled out of our spot at Blanco.  It was a bitter-sweet time.  It was a good experience and we felt that we contributed to the visitors education.  Not being able to show them the light, was an unfortunate part.  The lens is spectacular.  But it was time to move on.  We were starting to grow tired of the wind.

  So we headed north just a little before 10.  We stopped at Fred Meyer for some groceries.  Then our next stop was the Umpqua Lighthouse near Winchester.  It was great fun to take the tour and compare it to Blanco.  Tour participants get to go up three steps an stick our upper body into the inside of the light.  WOW ! There are pluses and minuses to each tour. 

Notice the colors.  The "signature" of this light is "White-White-Red"  As you can see from the pattern the is close together.  Rapid repetition of beams.  This shows that Umpqua is a welcoming light .  Blanco's signature is a flash, then 18 seconds of dark, repeat.  Blanco is a "Stay Away " light.


Randa and I are going to check out the possibility of volunteering at Umpqua for a change of scenery.
Sorry for the lousy photo.

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