Wednesday, January 27, 2021


We discovered a new favorite plant here at BTA.  

 See Why ?  

Sunday, January 24, 2021


 We are feeding the birds.  Maybe we should not.  It does get them dependent.  But it does give us pleasure.  It does make us feel better.  It does please the birds that visit us.

Lesser Finches at the thistle bag.

A Gila Woodpecker is "at bat".  The male Cardinal waits for him to leave.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Friday Hike

 Yesterday was the perfect day for a hike.  Six volunteers and a 10 year old spent about 3 hours hiking in the Tonto National Forest that butts up against the arboretum.  We were sometimes on animal trails, sometimes on a faint jeep track. and much time just working our way through the desert navigating in a general direction.  I Love doing just that.  Picking the best path.  Scrambling up and down rocks.  Stopping to enjoy the environment along the way.
This was one of our discoveries
Picket Post Mt is the dark form against the sky.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Air conditioning

 I am sitting under a canopy at Arizona Desert Repair in Apache Junction,  The A/C on the truck was blowing warm air last week when I tried it so I made an appointment to get it taken care of before the weather warms up later in the spring.  Funny thing is that as it is being repaired, it 56 and raining.  I am glad that I brought my jacket with me not knowing what kind of facility I would have to wait.  It's a tin roof covered concrete slab which is just fine.  The desert is very, very dry so any rain is extremely welcome.  Bring it on !

   They did just come and told me that the problem is a switch.  I ok'd the work so things are moving forward.  I plan to shop at Winco before I head back to BTA.  We are getting low on raisins and a few other food items.  Winco has the best bulk food section.  

   Besides food I might need to buy some more birdseed.  The birds have discovered our feeder.  Wwe are really enjoying the activity at the feeders.  There is a hanging sock with thistle seed, two hummingbird feeders, and a suet holder.  All are very busy

Bottoms Up !   Lesser Goldfinches

The male Cardinal is waiting for the Gila Woodpecker to leave.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


The refrigerator in the trailer has not been operating properly for several weeks.  It stopped cooling.  I called RV Doctor.  He came by.  Re-set the electronics.  Worked for a few days.  He came again.  Replaced the entire cooling unit.  It worked for a few days.  He came a third time and replace this electrical piece, a thermister.  Re-set the electronics.  So far.....
It might have been easier to just buy a new frig, but they are not available.  Evidently, all new frigs are going into new RV units that are selling like hotcakes due to Covid and the fires that took thousands of homes in California and Oregon.


Friday, January 15, 2021

Picket Post house

 Another view from the trail.  Last time we volunteered here, we got to help when it was open to the public for two week-end days.  That won't happen this year.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Afternoon Walk

Wednesday afternoon Randa and I took a nice walk through the park.  Around the big loop past the Picket Post House.  This was William Boyce Thompson's winter home.

Built in 1923-24. 7000 sq ft   13 bedrooms 5 bathrooms
Notice the cool shadow of the Ocotillo


Friday, January 8, 2021

In the Can

 My morning walk is usually started about 0630.  Hunter comes over by my side of the bed and stares at me.  I can almost hear him asking me to get dressed so that we can go for a walk.  As I sit on the end of the bed get dressed Hunter outs his head between my legs while I rub his ears and head.  I feel like we are hugging.  We both enjoy it immensely.  

  We usually start out walk through the picnic grounds.  As we wander around the area, I replace the lids on the garbage cans.  The local racoons visit them during the dark, looking for snacks.  Yesterday I found a young one that could not get back out. 

Notice the scratch marks the little guy made trying to leave. 
I tipped the barrel and he scooted away.


Two Years Ago

Two years ago this is what the BTA looked like.  The desert was covered in snow.  The desert plants were snow covered. Water flowed in Silver King Wash.  It was an unusual and exciting time.

This photo was taken yesterday.  Quite a different look.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

BTA 7th Day

   We are on our 7th day at BTA.  We haven't left except to drive the short distance to Gold Canyon to get a few groceries at Bashas and Randa' prescription at Walgreens.  Otherwise we have been getting the trailer organized and getting re-acquainted with the park.  On Friday we do a practice tour with our supervisor to get signed off for work.  Saturday, I will give a cart tour.  It is available to everyone for an additional fee.  I think it usually for prospective donors or those who would have trouble walking around the site.  It should be interesting and fun. 

    The last three days Randa and I have shadowed the General Tour which happens at 11am every day.  Three days, three different guides.  It is fun to listen to other folks.  You get new perspectives, new ideas, new methods.  A very good idea.    Below is Ayers Lake in late afternoon.

We start giving tours on Monday.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Sunset Walk in BTA

 Yesterday Randa and I took a sunset walk in the Wallace Garden.


Sunday, January 3, 2021


Sunset walk at CalNevAri.  

Randa and I took the boys for a stroll in the desert near the RV park.  It was a good time to relax from the road.
Our campsite was a couple of hundred feet from Hwy 95.  You could hear the trucks traveling past.
The roar was like hearing the waves from not-to distant ocean.  Actually quite soothing.


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Sign of Ignorance

This sign was posted at a rest area on I-10 about 60 miles west of Phoenix.

There are no poisonous snakes or insects in Arizona.  If you eat one of them you will not die.

Many mushrooms are poisonous.  Eat them and you will get very sick and may die.

The rattlesnake and scorpion both have venom that can cause discomfort.  
Rattlesnake and Scorpions are venomous.!


BTA First Day Jan 1, 2021

Boy, am I glad to be typing 2021 !  The further we get from 2020, the better.  I know it's going to take a good portion of 2021 to get through this. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  It may only be a pin-prick of a light, but it is a lightening of the darkness.  All I can say is,  Welcome 2021

  Randa and I start out the new year with a new address.  For the next four months we will be temporary Arizona residents.  Our location is inside the fences of Boyce Thompson Arboretum 1 mile west of Superior, Arizona.  The rig is parked with several other volunteer rigs in a private area not too far from the main visitor parking lot.  We have full hook-ups and a building with two washers and driers nearby.  Having free laundry is a big deal.  Last year, at Kartchner Caverns, we had to drive into town to do laundry.  A half-day and $20 was spent.

   Monday, we start training.  There's a new volunteer supervisor, Shelbi, so changes are be expected.  We here that the tours are a bit different.  Shorter.  Less participants. A completely new area to explore and learn.  I am not the less bit concerned about it.  The knowledge is stuck up in our brain will kick in once we are "out there".  It always does.  I remember when we were at Malheur Wildlife Refuge.  Our first day back at Sod House Ranch after a couple of years.  A family showed up, so I greeted them and started telling them about the ranch.  As we walked around the 140+ year old site, the "story" came into my head and unfolded before us.  It was like magic.  So it be like that here at BTA as we greet our guests this coming week.  I look forward to it.  

Friday, January 1, 2021

Trippin' to Arizona Day 5

 CalNevAri to Superior  325 miles

  Another early start, after a quick breakfast in the trailer Fuel in Parker ( 2,59 / gal ).  An easy drive, several hours on I-10 and then Hwy 60.  Arrived at BTA about 3.  By 5pm we were parked and mostly set-up.  In time for the chili feed put on by one of the volunteers.  The food was quite welcome. The best part was that we did not have to drive anywhere tomorrow.

Trippin' to Arizona Day 4

 Hawthorne to CalNevAri  383 miles

    Knowing that we had to go quite a ways on Wed we set the alarm for 6:15.  We pulled the big slide in and decided to stop at McDonalds for breakfast to help shorten the day.  So when I heard Hunter fussing in the morning I looked at the clock and it read, :7:00 .  The alarm did not go off.  "Thanks, Hunter, for waking us up!"

    In spite of our late start, we made good time.  Two passes of 6000 ft.  Tonopah was the first.  A couple of inches of snow on the ground but we did not stop for fuel like we usually do and but waited until we got to Beatty. Diesel fuel has jumped about 60 cents since I checked two weeks ago.  Beatty Alco had the best price around and it was $2.71/ gal.  I thought that 2.71 would be the highest price we would pay.  Wrong. 2,75 in Searchlight.  Ten miles down the road we stopped at the RV park in CalNevAri.

   A good day.  Tomorrow will be the last day.  😊