Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Coast

   Last Sunday Randa and I hooked up the trailer, loaded the three boys and headed for the Coast.  This was our first time visit to Nehalem Bay State Park.  It is located on a spit between the Nehalem River and the Pacific Ocean.  D8 was our home for 4 nights.  We spent the time walking on several beaches, checking out the area stores and roads, and enjoying the coastal weather.  It was over way too soon.
   Wall-E had a great time.  He learned how to jump up into the truck.  He learned how to jump up into the trailer.  He adapted to life in the trailer.  Three dogs in a fifth wheel is a bit crowded, but we all got on very well.  We loved walking on the beach.  Below you will see a small event that happened on day 3.  Randa wanted to walk on the beach and didn't want to get sand in her shoes so she took off her shoes and went barefoot.  She never goes barefoot.  So there she is, walking the beach.
   Time came to head back to the campground.  "I need to wash me feet."  She grabbed a Subway cup and waded out into the surf to get some water..  She did not see the waves heading her way.

I did see them and started to whistle to get her attention.  Finally she dipped her cup and headed back toward the beach.  Luckily she turned around in time.  As you can see the water was above her knees.  She said she could feel the water pulling at her.

   It could have been dangerous, but just ended up being funny.

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