Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Made a visit to my Dermatologist on Monday.  She did a treatment on me.  In the past I would get an exam and then get several spots "shot " with liquid Nitrogen.  (burned).  I end up looking like I was in a fight.  This time it was different.  

     The treatment was on my forearms and the back of my hands.   They were scrubbed with alcohol, then a chemical gel was spread on the skin.  My arms wee wrapped in Saran Wrap and was left to wait for an hour while the gel sunk in.  So I tried to nap, but then decided to use my time better and called Directv and spent the time on hold and talking to a representative.  At least I was doing something while I waited.  I was still on the phone when the dermatology tech put me on some kind of a special light machine to burn the precancer skin cells.  Anyway I got two things done at the same time.  

    I have to keep my hands and arms out of the sun until Wed  but future cancer cells were killed and got my Directv rates reduced  a little by asking.  So, all in all, it was a productive day.  I have another appointment the Monday before Thanksgiving, but I will bring a book to help pass the time instead of waiting on hold.   

   PS  Most companies have a retention department that can make adjustments to your package or lower your rates if you take the trouble to ask.

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