Saturday, October 17, 2020

Life goes on

    Even though the roof is the most evident part of our life right now.  Life goes on.  Multiple dog walks daily.  A new battery in my watch.  Red Cross trips scheduled for next week.  Doctor appointments for both of us.  We hope to get all vehicle and personal appointments done by the end of November so that we can head for Arizona.  In the past, we waited until after Christmas to go, but with Covid, Thanksgiving and Christmas are pretty much "non events".  So why stay in Oregon?

    Randa and I have enjoyed our spring and summer at home, working in the yard and around the house.  But with the clouds and rain coming, outdoor and yard activities are going away.  Our kids are busy with their lives so contacts are only occasional and brief.   Luckily we have some really good friends here in Canby that we treasure.  We will miss them terribly while we are away.  But the thought of being back among the flowers and cacti of Boyce Thompson Arboretum is sounding more and more appealing.  BTA has just opened a new wing, the Wallace Garden.  We watched it being developed when were there two years ago and are looking forward to seeing it fully developed.  Because we will be outdoors,  the tours will continue, with modifications for Covid.  We will be able to lead tours and share our love of the flora and fauna of Boyce Thompson and the Sonora Desert.

We miss the Saguaro and Cholla cacti



Be careful. Don't touch.

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