Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Today we created Oscar.  Oscar is a old friend that comes to visit us this time of year.

During his creation.  Those are his brains lying on the table.
Here he is at our front door.
After we visit the grocery store he will have a tongue.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Made a visit to my Dermatologist on Monday.  She did a treatment on me.  In the past I would get an exam and then get several spots "shot " with liquid Nitrogen.  (burned).  I end up looking like I was in a fight.  This time it was different.  

     The treatment was on my forearms and the back of my hands.   They were scrubbed with alcohol, then a chemical gel was spread on the skin.  My arms wee wrapped in Saran Wrap and was left to wait for an hour while the gel sunk in.  So I tried to nap, but then decided to use my time better and called Directv and spent the time on hold and talking to a representative.  At least I was doing something while I waited.  I was still on the phone when the dermatology tech put me on some kind of a special light machine to burn the precancer skin cells.  Anyway I got two things done at the same time.  

    I have to keep my hands and arms out of the sun until Wed  but future cancer cells were killed and got my Directv rates reduced  a little by asking.  So, all in all, it was a productive day.  I have another appointment the Monday before Thanksgiving, but I will bring a book to help pass the time instead of waiting on hold.   

   PS  Most companies have a retention department that can make adjustments to your package or lower your rates if you take the trouble to ask.



Monday, October 26, 2020

The Pumpkin family

A new project.  Possible because of a pallet left behind by the roofers.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Outside Help

I was outside working creating a pumpkin family.   This is a result of the pallet that the roofers left behind.  I will add photos as I move along in the project.

  As you can see I had help.
Doesn't he look comfortable?


Monday, October 19, 2020

Dahlia Late Bloomer

This is a bloom on a Dalhia that has grown from a seed in our flower bed.  Great fall color. 


Roofing Addendum

    The final chapter of the saga is today.  (Or should I say maybe?)  Anyway their is a painter here today painting the marks on the house where the roofers scratched it during the tear off.  Because of the 9 day ordeal, the Boss was very compliant to making us happy with the final results.  So the spots are being touched up as we speak.  

  Yesterday when he was here, he asked me how it looked.  I told him that it looked like a roof.  When you get a room painted or something remodeled, you can see the new results.  Unless you were going to a totally new roof design, it looks basically, just like it did before.  Anyway, here it is today.  Ohs and Ahs  can be emailed.  😊

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Life goes on

    Even though the roof is the most evident part of our life right now.  Life goes on.  Multiple dog walks daily.  A new battery in my watch.  Red Cross trips scheduled for next week.  Doctor appointments for both of us.  We hope to get all vehicle and personal appointments done by the end of November so that we can head for Arizona.  In the past, we waited until after Christmas to go, but with Covid, Thanksgiving and Christmas are pretty much "non events".  So why stay in Oregon?

    Randa and I have enjoyed our spring and summer at home, working in the yard and around the house.  But with the clouds and rain coming, outdoor and yard activities are going away.  Our kids are busy with their lives so contacts are only occasional and brief.   Luckily we have some really good friends here in Canby that we treasure.  We will miss them terribly while we are away.  But the thought of being back among the flowers and cacti of Boyce Thompson Arboretum is sounding more and more appealing.  BTA has just opened a new wing, the Wallace Garden.  We watched it being developed when were there two years ago and are looking forward to seeing it fully developed.  Because we will be outdoors,  the tours will continue, with modifications for Covid.  We will be able to lead tours and share our love of the flora and fauna of Boyce Thompson and the Sonora Desert.

We miss the Saguaro and Cholla cacti



Be careful. Don't touch.

A New Roof Day 2

   Saturday, the last day.  I sure hope it is the last day.  Six roofers showed up this morning.  The biggest crew so far in our 2 week "adventure".  Banging going on in several areas overhead.  Looking forward to a dry and silent roof.  For some reason I came up with a revelation yesterday.  Roofing companies are just like any other contractor.  Only the largest ones have permanent workers.  The rest like the one I chose, use subcontractors.  So the group that was up on my roof last week were contracted by NW.  Probably never again.  The crew this week are a totally different "sub".  He was hired by Tommy to get the job done right.  As far as I can see, he doing just that.  He has been roofing for 12 years.    

    The weather is cooperating as well.  It is cloudy and cool.  Chance of rain is low.  To quote a roofing joke,  "Things are looking up."

Friday, October 16, 2020

A New Roof

 We are in the process of getting a new roof.  This is the second roof in two weeks.  Maybe I should start at the beginning.   We have been thinking about a new roof for a couple of years.  Our house was built in 2000 so the roof is 20 years old.  Sadly, that is the average time for a 30 year roof.  Our neighborhood is a prime hunting area for roofers.

   So I checked Home Advisor online and clicked that I wanted to get estimates on a new roof.  I had my first call within 5 minutes !  The second 5 minutes later.  The third call was about an hour after that.  They must have an alarm that goes off when someone hits the button.  I had five estimates on my roof.  Our house is single story, 1800 + square feet.  Estimates came in from 15500 to 42500.  The high priced guy was very ambitious and long-winded.  We were shocked at his first outrageous bid (which included gutters) and after our saying "No way, Jose", started backing off.  After pealing away, layer after layer ( gutters, remove shed from bid, military discount, etc, he ended up at 22500.  They were still too high.  Talking with other vendors and a neighbor who had gotten a bid from them, we found out the Da Bella is known for their high pressure tactics.  That style does not work with us.  We tend to back away.

   After reviewing the five vendors we chose NW Builders.  They were about the same as the others and we liked the representative, Oren.   Several days after we picked, Oren called and told us they would start tomorrow.  Great.  The crew came as promised but was not up to par.  After five long days ( and even some evenings), they had not completed the job.   The owner, Tommy, came to me on Saturday evening and said" I am ashamed of this job.  This is my company name and my livelihood. This crew has messed it up and is going to be fired.   I will come back next Wednesday and tear it all off and do it again the right way. "   

   I was shocked.  I did not expect him to "step up to the plate " and make it right.  This Wednesday a new crew came and tore the new roof off and started fresh.  A huge job and a huge expense to the company, but the right thing to do.  I respect Tommy for it.  Two days to re-strip the roof. Today they started installing the shingles.  Luckily the weather has cooperated and offered no rain until Saturday evening. 

 Stay tuned for the final report.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Another Fall Walk

 Another warm fall day.  Ideal day to go for a walk a get out the house, especially when we are getting a new roof.  Wednesday the boys and I walked around Mollala State Park.  Lots of trails, open spaces, squirrels and plants to enjoy.

Berries of the Hawthorne
tree and a very cool mushroom

Fall Walk

 Fall is in full swing.  The temperatures have moderated with much cooler nights.  The trees are turning and dropping leaves.  Time for long fall walks.  Tuesday. Randa and I took the boys on a very enjoyable long walk at Eco park in the north end of Canby.  For Fun we decided to have a contest to see how many times Hunter and Wall-e lifted their legs.  What do you think?  Who won the contest?

Well, Wall-e won.  17 to 15.   These boys really know how to try harder.

Found this mushroom along the way.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Under the Hood

                                                         How many guys does it take?

Tow Vehicle of the future

One of the fun of camping is watching the rigs come and go.  New ones, old ones , big ones, tiny ones.  This tiny camper drove by our site.  Not unusual.  Lots of trailers like it.  
However, the tow vehicle was not the usual. 

Yes, it's a Tesla.   Imagine being the owner of the shop when the owner asked if he could get a trailer hitch installed on his Tesla.  " Well, eh, I think we can. I will have to check with the factory."😲

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Fall colors


The Coast

   Last Sunday Randa and I hooked up the trailer, loaded the three boys and headed for the Coast.  This was our first time visit to Nehalem Bay State Park.  It is located on a spit between the Nehalem River and the Pacific Ocean.  D8 was our home for 4 nights.  We spent the time walking on several beaches, checking out the area stores and roads, and enjoying the coastal weather.  It was over way too soon.
   Wall-E had a great time.  He learned how to jump up into the truck.  He learned how to jump up into the trailer.  He adapted to life in the trailer.  Three dogs in a fifth wheel is a bit crowded, but we all got on very well.  We loved walking on the beach.  Below you will see a small event that happened on day 3.  Randa wanted to walk on the beach and didn't want to get sand in her shoes so she took off her shoes and went barefoot.  She never goes barefoot.  So there she is, walking the beach.
   Time came to head back to the campground.  "I need to wash me feet."  She grabbed a Subway cup and waded out into the surf to get some water..  She did not see the waves heading her way.

I did see them and started to whistle to get her attention.  Finally she dipped her cup and headed back toward the beach.  Luckily she turned around in time.  As you can see the water was above her knees.  She said she could feel the water pulling at her.

   It could have been dangerous, but just ended up being funny.