Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Three Dogs on My Wagon

Things are progressing nicely.  Wall-E has pretty well figured out the routine.  If we have a routine.  The smoke from the wildfires has been with us for 10 days so we have been indoors most of the time.  When we did do walks, they were short.  I wore my N95 mask, but the boys were left unprotected.  The weather is slow to offer any help.  The rain predicted for the past Monday, didn't happen.  Same for Tuesday or today.  Tomorrow doesn't look good either.  Our current air quality number is 187.  Not good but a whole lot better than it has been.  We had numbers in the 400s.   

   In past years I have dreaded the end of the dry period.  Not this year.  Come on, rain !  I'm typing this at 4:35.  The big boys are starting to get restless.  Running up and down the hallway, trying to get my attention.  Evidently they thing I am not smart enough to know that it's almost time for their late afternoon walk, which is followed by supper. 

Our noontime walk.


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