Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Three Dogs on My Wagon. 9.23.2020

Wally (Wall-E) is still with us.  He is adapting to life with the Webers.  This Sunday we are heading for the coast for a 4 day camping trip.  Of course Wally has never been in the trailer.  It will be fun exposing him the Pacific Ocean.  I bet he will love it.  To get ready Randa and I are taking short trips in the truck with all three boys.  For Hunter and Quam, this is "old hat".  Wally came home from Hounds Rest in the truck so it isn't his first time.  But getting in and out and occupying that back seat space with the two boys is a new learning experience.  To make that easier, we are taking this short trips.  

   Yesterday it was Eco Park in the north part of Canby. A nice walking trail  with sunshine filtering through the tall firs.   Today it will be another

Wally the contortionist.  Is he trying to outdo the stuffed dog?

park to explore.  The rain will not stop us.

    Hunter can leap up into the back seat in one magnificent bound.  I'm sure Wally will be able to do it  too, he just needs to be trained.  He is definitely smart enough and strong enough.   We will practice again today.  I will keep you posted.

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