Sunday, September 13, 2020

Three Dogs on My Wagon Day 3 and 4

 Friday,  I walked the boys under dark orange skies.  It was very eerie.  The only light was a bright redness in the north, the direction of the edge of the smoke cloud.  The boys didn't seem to mind, but I worried about their breathing.  I was wearing , my M95 mask which is not the least comfortable or stylish but effective.  I kept the walk short.

   Wally is doing great.  He seems to be adapting to our house and our rules.  Like any almost two-year old he explores everything, touches everything (with his nose).  Hunter accepts him but thinks of him as competition.  I have to hold Hunter to let Wally finish his food.  Friday morning he finished his meal and tried to get into Wally's.  I now sit nearby and supervise.

   Walking is getting better although three dogs at a time is a challenge.  I perform  quite a dance  during our walks.  I bet I look very rather comical.

   Saturday, the orange skies are gone.  Gray skies replaced them.  Just as bad.  Just as deadly.  The pollution level was near 400.  We spent most of the day indoors.


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