Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Smoke is Gone !

 The Skies are blue.  The sun has been out for a few days.  Life is good.  Right now the the clouds have moved in and we are due for several days of showers.  The rain will be welcome.  We had the awesome Thunder storm at 3am a couple of nights ago.  It dumped several inches of rain on us in a very short time, much of it was lost in run-off.  The rain we receive in the next few days will be slower, gentler and much more useful.  

    We have several solar lights in our backyard.  They were inexpensive ones we bought at Home Depot.  They stay on for a few hours after sunset and then go dark.  During the thunder storm there was much lightning.  After each bolt the lights would blink on for a few seconds.  Evidently lightning can charge solar batteries also, at least briefly.   

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