Friday, September 11, 2020

Three Dogs on my Wagon Day 2

Day 2 was Thursday.  What a day!  Wally was fine.  He is coming along fine.  Being a young guy, he is active, always checking things out.  It's like having another two-year old in the house again.  Smelling everything.  Grabbing anything that is lying around, most of the time hearing the words UH UH,  or NO.  Basically, he's learning his boundaries.  You can tell that he is taking it all in.  

   Wally is different from Hunter in many ways.  He is smaller by several inches and probably 15-20 pounds.    He is not as skiddish as Hunter.  He had no hesitation about using the sliding glass door.  Hunter needed to be pulled through the first time.  He is not leash-smart yet but is not freaked out when it wraps around his legs.  He is coming along.  

   The fires are a different problem.  Right now Oregon is ablaze.  About two dozen wild fires are burning in the state.  Several deaths and much destruction.  Portions of at least five towns have been burned.  Whole areas including several towns have been evacuated.  The Fire Bureau has set up a rating system for fire danger.  

   Class 1 - Be Careful Watch out for Hazards

   Class 2 - Fire Danger is close.  Have an evacuation plan. ( Where to go. What to do with animals.                              Prepare RVs. Gather up things that need to be saved.

   Class 3 -  Evacuate.  Get out. Now.

Yesterday  we were told that Canby was now in Class 2.  So we spent the afternoon and evening packing and sorting and loading.  Talking with our neighbors.  Deciding what to take and telling friends and relatives what was happening. Our truck and trailer were loaded and parked in front of the house ready to move out if necessary.  Some neighbors left. Most of us decided to stay and see what happens next.  We all had an app that would call us when the situation worsened.  We all vowed to call one another if we heard.    We went to bed wondering if our phones would ring during the night.

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