Sunday, April 21, 2019

Short time

Time is getting shorter.  Basically we are ready but it's not going to happen until next Tuesday.  As time approaches many little jobs need to be done.  Tire covers removed, check batteries , check tire pressure  on both the trailer and truck, organize and load the storage areas of the trailer. 
   As I'm outside, Randa is taking care of the inside; dishes, pans, clothes, food .  It's a big job.  After we leave here we will spend a few days in Yuma, getting dental work done in Algodonas.  Then we head north.  Three days should get us home.  The temperature reduction will be quite an adjustment.  80's and 90's here.  50's and 60's in Oregon.  Longer days will help in traveling.   It seems that fuel prices are rising because summer is approaching.  The local Circle K was $2.79 from Jan til two weeks ago.  Yesterday it was $3.09 at the same station.   Darn greedy oil companies. !! 

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