Friday, April 19, 2019

A bad day for a spider

Thursday while we were giving our tour in the cactus garden, one of our guests said to me, "There is a tarantula." I looked and sure enough, there was one.  But it was being dragged across the ground by a large blue wasp.  A Tarantula Hawk.  The wasp lands on a tarantula or wolf spider, injects it with  venom which paralyses it's victim.  Then the wasp drags the spider into a hole it has dug.  After laying it's egg on the living but paralyzed prey, it covers the hole and moves on.  Later the eggs hatch and the young eat the spider while they grow.  Gross but fascinating
We watched the wasp drag the spider to the middle of the path where there was a hole about an inch in diameter.   She pulled the spider up to the edge of the hole, left it and entered.  After a few minutes she reached out from the hole and pulled the spider in. Zip and it was gone. 
Today the hole was not there.  It had been filled in by Mom.  When the young have eaten enough to mature, they will emerge from the ground ready to hunt.

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