Saturday, April 20, 2019

No more Ballet

   Yesterday I had the opportunity to have my big toe carved on.  Well, actually, it needed some attention (sore, swollen, etc.) so I got an appointment with a podiatrist in nearby San Tan.  A quick exam, some shot to numb it, and a procedure (that I did Not watch), I was back in the truck heading home.  My toe was had a huge wrapping which protected it but it did not hurt.  Well, not at first.  As the numbing were off, I know that something had happened while I was not looking.  However, a Tylenol took care of the discomfort.
   This morning the wrapping was removed.  It looks like "something" was done, but does not hurt.  Instructions are to soak it, and apply Polysporin.  A good thing but I will never be a dancer.

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