Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Snake Sex

Nothing is as exciting as a snake.  Especially a rattlesnake.  The rattlesnake, in this case a Diamondback, was the cause of the excitement.  Actually, it was two of them.  Mating no less.  Right out in the public !!
I was giving a tour to a group from Promise Lutheran School from Mesa.  I was talking to the kids about Mistletoe when Joe drove past.  In his cart was the snake box, which is a plastic garage tote that has a big red stripe on it and is used for only one purpose.  As he passed, Joe mentioned he was getting two snakes.
   Well, as far as I was concerned the plant lesson was over and the reptile lesson was about to begin.  We immediately heeded down the main path following the tire tracks.  It wasn't very far until we saw the crowd.  The two reptiles were oblivious to humans and were busy having sex.  They were entwined around each other, moving erratically, evidently having a good time.  It was difficult to see much because they were located between an Agave and a Golden Barrel Cactus, but their black and white striped tails helped keep track of them.
     Finally, after about 15 minutes of fun, Joe used the snake "grabber" and picked them up, stilled connected together, and put them in the tote.  I am not sure if they noticed or not.  The two were taken to another part of the park and released.   Just another day at Boyce Thompson Arboretum.  But a memorable one !

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