Thursday, April 25, 2019

Less than one week.

   Of the six spots occupied by volunteers, here at BTA, three are empty.  Mark and Leslie left last Saturday,  Jere and Teresa left yesterday.  The volunteer campground seems dark and lonely.  The warmer weather has returned.   The winter visitors have started to head for home so visitation has dropped.  Also, the heat means that the locals will not be coming either.   This is a normal seasonal occurrence for much of Arizona.
    One week from Tuesday, we will be in Yuma.  We have some dental work to due in Algodonas, Mexico before we head north.  As soon as we get back to Oregon, we will start at Bonneville Dam.    We know that our work schedule will be 3 days on and 3 days off but not much more.  May will be a busy month, but another adventure for us. 

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