Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Visitor Day3

We went to Tucson.  More specifically,  the Sonoran Desert Museum.  This is more than a museum.  much more.  It's a zoo, but it's much more than a zoo.  First of all, it is out in the country west of Tucson, not far from the western section of Saguaro National Park.  I don't know how many acres it is but it's huge!  When you go, plan on spending most of the day.  We arrive d about 10 and left after 3:30 and covered only about half of the area.  Lots of exhibits, lots of animals.  There is a reptile area, a Hummingbird aviary, a bird aviary, Desert Bighorn area,

 The showstopper was the free flight show where they release birds to fly around the area to the delight of the crowd.  They first released a Grey Hawk, then a Perrigine Falcon, a Barn Owl and lastly, a family of Harris's Hawks.  They a marvelous birds who have a unique family unit.  It is a matriarchal family with only one female and the father bird and several junior males.  They hunt and kill their prey, (squirrels, mice, lizards, etc.) and the female decides how the food is distributed.
  You can see the glove of one of handlers.  There were five birds and about 7 handlers scattered around the area.  The birds flew from perch to perch and cameras were kept very busy.  It was great!

Our favorite area was dedicated to our favorite birds, the Vultures.  There was much good information about these important animals.

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