Thursday, February 16, 2017

Free Fuel

Sounds like a scam doesn't it?
  I was working in the Visitor Center yesterday when a guy comes in the starts talking to one of the volunteers.  He and his wife were staying at an RV park in Puerto Penasco Mexico about 70 miles south of here.  They left their trailer there and drove to Phoenix to pick up their grown kids at the airport.  Well they filled up the truck before crossing the border because diesel fuel in Mexico is not low sulfur and does not run very well in new trucks.
   When they and the family members got to the border crossing, they were not allowed to cross because the external tank in the box.was full.  We speculated that it was an issue because of the recent fuel price protest in Mexico.  So the gentleman was looking for a way to empty his tank.  Three of us volunteers were more than happy to receive his diesel fuel.  I was proud to be able to do my part to help this visitor.  

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