Sunday, February 26, 2017

Saturday in the Ajo Mts

Spent Saturday on the Ajo Mountain Drive.  That, in itself, is a pleasurable experience.  But yesterday it was made better by several experiences.  The wildflowers are beginning to appear.  The Poppies being the most prevalent.
 On the way from Arch Canyon to Estes Canyon the road passes a Saguaro that has an unusual growth on the end of an arm.  It appears to be many growths varying in size from a golf ball to a softball all clumped together.  I wonder what caused this to happen?
 At Estes Canyon I went for a walk to find some Petroglyphs that I had heard about.  This lone Poppy was along my path.  After a ten minute stroll up a wash I found what I was looking for.  The culmination of our day was when we spotted five Desert Bighorn Sheep high up in the Ajo Mountains walking along a ridge.    It was a good day!

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