Friday, February 10, 2017


It's Friday 2/10/17.  I'm writing this in the morning.  R is driving the Van Tour today.  Driving the van is one of the few things we get to do as volunteers so I like her to have the opportunity to do something other than working in the visitor center, so she works this morning and I will be on duty this afternoon.  I prefer mornings because I am a morning person, but I did get a few things done today.  I made a batch of ice cream for tonight's supper with the volunteer group, got a few bills paid, and checked email.  I can do email on my phone but sometimes it's fun to get on the computer.
   Now it's time to go back to the trailer (I'm in the Sonora Building {volunteer building} and make lunch and get my uniform on.  I will relieve R about 12:30.
   Warm and sunny today.  They say 90, but we'll see.  However, cooling to the 60's by Sunday.  Better than at home.  😊

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