Sunday, February 19, 2017


The forecast yesterday was for rain.  80% to 100% depending on which weather app was opened.  The morning was cloudy but only sprinkles.  But
then as the day went along it got darker.  When I came home to switch with R, it was raining lightly.  That afternoon, as I watched a little TV the slight rain started to be less slight and by the time R got home from the VC, it was well past slight and nearing spirited. Usually the volunteers walk their dogs at 5:30, but  I took the boys early because I wanted to get it done before it got too wet.  By the time we were finished we were well washed.
   The rest of the night was spent inside listening to the rain pound the roof of the trailer.  By 8:30 we were thinking of getting in bed and watching a movie, but I still had to take the boys out.  I waited for over an hour listening for an abatement in the deluge, but to no avail.  Having no choice, I slipped on my Gore Tex parka and we wandered around in the dark looking for the right spot to pee.   They found it but not before we all got extremely wet.
   I heard that we received 2.6 inches yesterday.  That is a bunch.  The wildflowers may be fabulous this year.!

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