Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Its Wed May 4, 2016.
  Our second morning in Yuma.  Today is a play day.  No plans.  No expectations.  We are here because my next dental appointment is tomorrow.
  Yesterday was my first day in the chair.  I was in it for 2 1/2 hours.  I left with cleaned teeth and a temporary bridge.  The removed one had been in my mouth for over 40 years.  I guess you could say that it was really made well.  I doubt that the new one I am getting will last as long, but no one will see gold when I smile.  Kids used to look at me oddly and wonder what that was.  Incidentally, I retained the gold caps to be sold later.
   May is a good time to visit Yuma and Algodones.  Most of the snowbirds have hit the trail.  The RV parks are nearly deserted.  The traffic is back to normal. ( The locals love that.)  The line to go through Customs on the way back from Mexico is gone.  Last year we were here earlier and the line was several blocks long.
   On our way out of Algodones, we stopped at the Purple Pharmacy to buy meds.  They are "a lot" less expensive there.  No written prescription is needed, you just tell them what you and there it is.  Customs may or may not look in the bag.  They see folks with the purple bags every day.  We also bought a bottle of vanilla which is bargain priced as well.
    Coming through El Paso, you see Mexico virtually on the south side of I-10 and then going to Algodones, one is fully aware of what difference a mile or a border can make.  Going into A does not bother me any more, but I still feel better when I cross back into the United States.

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