Thursday, May 19, 2016


The other night we were having supper with fellow volunteers and a bear tried to walk into the volunteer building.  He was probably following the great smells that were coming out of the partially open door.  (We have found out that bears's sense of smell is 2100 times better than ours.  They can detect toothpaste in your car.)
   Judy happened to look out the door to see if it was raining and the critter was on the top step about to enter.  She yelled out, "Bear !!!"   The bear left quickly, but stopped to check out our neighbor's camper.
    Afterwards we were all talking about the excitement and our other neighbors discovered that the bear had opened the back door of their Toyota pickup, climbed in, and grabbed a backpack and took it back outside.  He then opened it and took a power bar and a bottle of Ibuprofen without harming the pack.  Amazing agility.

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