Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hunter's Foot

    About a month ago I noticed that Hunter had blood on his left hind foot.  We checked it out and found a missing nail.  We should have taken him to the vet right away but he did not seem to be in a lot of pain so we waited.  Well, the bottom line is that the little toe on his left hind foot had infection in the bone so was amputated at the first knuckle.  After two weeks he should be back to walking without pain and no after effects.
    For the first few days, R and I are splitting our day so that we can be home to watch him and to keep him from licking or chewing the bandage.  So far he seems to be just mildly curious about the bandage.  He will get a new one next Wed and then will get the bandage off and the sutures out the following Wed.  Then he and Quammie and I can resume our walks in the woods.

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